Put Wellness To Work

Your favorite studio classes brought to your workplace, organization or apartment home

Available Now:

Mindful Leaders Course

Learn how to lead mindfully | A 5-Module Course completed at your own pace!

Our Clients

  • Be The Match
  • Bigos Management
  • Boulay
  • Caribu Coffee
  • Code42
  • Compeer Financial
  • Dorsey & Whitney LLP
  • Fairview
  • Fox 9 KMSP
  • General Electric
  • General Mills
  • Genessee Apartments & Townhomes
  • Merchant & Gould
  • Minnesota National Foundation
  • Pediatric Home Service
  • Periscope
  • The City Of Edina
  • Union Depot St Paul Minnesota
  • UnitedHealth Group
  • Wells Fargo
  • Western National Insurance

Our Mission

For working professionals and corporations interested in enhancing their corporate culture, Studio 9-to-5 brings the solution to you. Studio 9-to-5 aims to improve health and wellness by making onsite yoga, fitness and nutrition classes convenient and accessible.

  • Studio 9-to-5 provides high quality, affordable, on-site yoga, fitness and nutrition classes that allow companies to invest in the well-being of their employees. Studio 9-to-5 provides numerous benefits to individuals of all ages in the workplace, on athletic teams, in schools or for any team environment.

  • A low-cost, safe, and effective full-body workout, Studio 9-to-5 classes provide the best option for workplace health and wellness programs. Consistent Studio 9-to-5 programming will improve your employees’ decision-making, maximize morale, and benefit the overall health of your staff.

  • Dependable, professional teachers create structured classes that are accessible to all levels of students and enrich the workplace with a time to re-focus energy, de-stress, and create balance.

Our Programs

From daily lunchtime yoga and fitness classes to wellness seminars and special training events, Studio 9-to-5 offers a variety of class options and contracts customized to the needs of your employees.

Wellness Benefits

A low-cost, safe and effective full-body workout, Studio 9-to-5 provides the best options for workplace health and wellness programs. Practitioners receive a wealth of benefits including, but not limited to:

  • Classes decrease anxiety and depression and improve mood, self-actualization and self-acceptance, promoting social awareness and connection.

  • Classes hone the Parasympathetic Nervous System, resulting in clarity and focus vs. succumbing to the stress of the “Fight or Flight” response. This will also improve memory and concentration.

  • Our classes improve the function of all the body’s major systems- immune, digestion, respiratory, endocrine, neurological, and cardiovascular.  This assists in normalizing weight, sleep patterns and results in increased energy and well-being.

For more information on the benefits of yoga and wellness in the workplace, visit our blog.

Our Team

Studio 9-to-5 has an expert team of wellness professionals who create innovative life-changing experiences for companies and communities.

What People Are Saying